Krithika B Rao
Gowri on Ugadi
Gowri on Ugadi
The final Ones
The final Ones
Gowri and Humour extreme.
Gowri and Humour extreme.
Gowri and Humour extreme.
Gowri and Humour extreme.
I was taking gowri's pictures for her school id card and was promptly posing for the snap. When I was adjusting her posture for the photograph, she played a couple of pranks.. when I asked her to lift her head, smile.. etc...
the pictures are self dipictive..
Her Extremes of using the Keyboard.
I was surfing the net for some information related to my project and I had downloaded some files from the net. Whenever Gowri comes to my chair, she askes for the baby ( GOWRI's picture is my wallpaper on the desktop) to be shown to her. She also started typing on the keyboard to emulate me.
It happened so by the end of a minutes pranks with the keyboard, she had SHIFT+DELETED the folder that I had just downloaded !!!
Gowri at her demanding extreme.
Last sunday we had been to Commercial street for some shopping. We parked the car a bit far away from the SAFINA plaza, and as we were walking back to the mall, there were many roadside vendors selling toys. As we passed each of these people, Gowri started demanding BEKA, BEKA... for everything that we came across!!
Krithika in May
Krithika in February 2006
February has gone past very quickly. So is Gowri's learnings. Gowri is fast picking up sentences and she is quite comfortable with Kannada and a few words of English.
She picked up the translation to BAALE HANNU as Banaaaaana. Also she earlier she used to just recognise Gandhi Taata on the Currency notes. Now she can pronounce GAANDHI TATHAAAA whenever she sees a currency note with the portrait of Gandhi Taata.
She has become so popular in the street, everybody says "Hi" to her when she is going for an evening walk. She has more friends than us in the neighbourhood.
Gowri has becoming very demanding. She nods her head BEKA BEKA for anything she wants and refuses with BEDA BEDA for anything she is not interested in.
Some more words that she has picked up in this month are -KACHHI (for choclate), AALA (for Milk), CHORRY (for sorry), TEE (for TV), DAACHI (for drakshi), PEN (for pen), DUDDU (for money), CHOO (for shoes), ABBOO (for injury)She is able to pick up the tone in which we are speaking to her, especially when I'm scolding her, she comes with a sobbing face to kiss me to pacify the anger. Her ability to understand the tone is so high, she doesn't bother to respond in the same way when her mom scolds her.
Whenever we walk past her school, she recognises the school as CHOOL. When further asked what are you going to do here, she promptly responds PAATA to me and AATA to her mother respectively.
Pinky still seems to be her favourite pass time while she massages the neck whenever feels like meeting PINKY
Gowri has become more proactive to same situations, for which she used to be reactive a few months ago. SHe points out at AUTOs, BUSes, AEROPLANES whenever she sees them. Earlier we used to ask where is bus ? or where is auto for her to point out the vehicle. She can also recognise the different owners of the 4 vehicles that are parked in our premises.
The best of all is her pronounciation of our names - KANYAANI and BADDHI
Gowri at her posseiveness best !!
MIMMI was assisting the owner aunt one day when their maid did not turn up for the housekeeping activities. Mimmi, out of the blue told that henceforth she would be staying with aunt, and not coming with Gowri to her house.
She climbed down from aunt, went to MIMMI and started questionning YAKE YAKE.. with an appropriate hand gesture. !!!